- RGOc instellingen en Synaeda
- MIND (voorheen LPGGz)
- RoQua, een van de grootse ROM initiatieven in Nederland
2018 – 2020
€ 771.389
Finance by
- Zorginstituut Nederland
in uitvoering
Frederike Jörg, projectleider: f.jorg@umcg.nl
Kaying Li-Kan, projectcoördinator: k.kan@umcg.nl
Various treatment options for depression are available but large differences exist in treatment outcomes between patients. Individual patient characteristics and clinical characteristics are important predictors of treatment outcomes but are not used systematically in clinical practice for treatment selection. These data are however collected in questionnaires, patient files and routine outcome monitoring questionnaires and can be used on an aggregated level to estimate predictions on prognosis, by using advanced statistical methods. The implementation of such prediction models have not been applied to clinical practice as several data sources have not been brought together to make predictions on prognosis.
For the IMPROVE-project, financed by Stichting De Friesland, such a decision-aid is developed. The I-SHARED project aims to implement this decision-aid for depression in clinical practice by predicting the treatment outcome of various treatment options for depression based on patient characteristics and clinical factors. The decision-aid enhances shared decision-making and aims to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and patient satisfaction of depression care.
After the decision-aid is embedded into RoQua, the decision-aid will be implemented in a couple of RGOc institutions. Next, the decision-aid will be improved based on feedback of patients and clinicians. Finally, the decision-aid will become freely available for use nationally.