
  • LifeLines onderzoek in de algemene bevolking in Noord Nederland


  • GGZ Drenthe, UCP/UMCG, RGOc

2014 – 2017


Finance by

  • GGZ Drenthe, RGOc

in uitvoering

Dr. R.H.S. van den Brink
Universitair Centrum Psychiatrie
Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen
Postbus 30.001 (CC73)
9700 RB Groningen

Lifestyle factors may not only provide individuals the opportunity to influence their own physical health with ageing, but also their mental health. Factors such as diet, physical activity, smoking, alcohol use, and sleep habits have been shown to be related to depression and anxiety. These relations appear to be bidirectional. Lifestyle factors predict incident mental health problems, while on the other hand mental health problems worsen lifestyle factors. The present study focusses on the relationship between diet and common mental health problems (i.e. depression and anxiety) both cross-sectionally (in the first LifeLines wave) and longitudinally (in subsequent waves and by linkage to medical records). We will take advantage of the unique statistical power of LifeLines to clarify the distinctive influence of diet on mental health with ageing, controlling for other lifestyle factors and physical health status. In addition, we will test whether this influence is age-dependent.