- GGZ Drenthe, psychosecircuit & Afdeling voor behandendeling Psychose andere GGZ organisaties verbonden met RGOc
- RUG, FAC GMW, klinische psychologie, NIC, GGZ Organisaties verbonden met RGOc
2013 – 2021
€ 580.248
Finance by
- NWO, programma Geweld Tegen Psychiatrische Patienten
mw. dr. M. Pijnenborg (Marieke)
organisatie: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Psychologie, Experimentele Psychopathologie / GGZ Drenthe / UMCG, NIC
telefoon: 06-11390567
e-mail: g.h.m.pijnenborg@rug.nl
mw. dr. J.T. van Busschbach (Jooske)
organisatie: UMCG, UCP/RGOc
telefoon: 050-3612069
e-mail: j.t.van.busschbach@umcg.nl
The chance that people with psychoses become victim of a violent crimes is three times higher than in the general population. This is partly due to the clinical syndrome that is associated with misperception of social cues, self-stigma, decreased self-esteem and a lack of assertiveness. Earlier experiences with violence also increase the risk of victimization. To tackle this downward spiral, an assertiveness training in which psychomotor interventions are combined with kickboxing techniques was developed. The effects of the intervention will be studied using questionnaires and fMRI in both a pilot, a randomized clinical trial and a follow-up study.