

GGZ Drenthe, GGZ Friesland, Lentis, UMCG/UCP

2000 to the present


Finance by

  • RGOc

in progrress

dr. E. Visser (Ellen)
telefoon: 050-3612032
e-mail: e.visser03@umcg.nl

The Psychiatric Case register North-Netherlands is an essential basis-instrument to monitor mental health care and the developments therein. This register has as ‘catchment area’ the population of the three northern provinces (1.6 million inhabitants). In a case register all care data of the participating mental health care institutions are linked per client, so that patient careers can be traced. A case register provides a pure measure for the ’treated prevalence’ and the ’treated incidence’, because double-counts can be prevented. Moreover, resolved policy objectives (as for example the extramuralization of care) with help of the register can be checked (the monitor function of the register). The register team tries to further the use of effect registration with the help of a number of internationally accepted instruments. This effect registration can then be integrated in the case register by which an image arises of the effects of different treatments for different categories of patients. Furthermore, these instruments (like for example: HoNOS, OQ45, IDS-SR) give in addition to the DSM-IV a sharper image diagnostically of the severity of the problematic of the patients in the different sections of care and the possible shifts that therein occur.Together with ggz-provisions in the northern region, we start up research after the effectiveness of treatments for which we usually apply for additional subsidies. Examples are recent RCT’s on the effectiveness of ACT. Case register data are available, if necessary combined with ROM (Routine Outcome Monitoring) data, for researchers within the ggz institutions or within the research center.