Publicaties in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften, boeken en boekbesprekingen
Publicaties 2021
Publicaties 2021: Stynke Castelein
Kuipers S, Boonstra N, Kronenberg L, Keuning-Plantinga A, Castelein S. OralHealth Interventions in Patients with a Mental Health Disorder: A Scoping Review
with Critical Appraisal of the Literature. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021. Jul 30;18(15):8113. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18158113. PMID: 34360406; PMCID: PMC8346069.
Van der Meer L, Kaiser S, Castelein S. Negative symptoms in schizophrenia: reconsidering evidence and focus in clinical trials. Br J Psychiatry. 2021
Jul;219(1):359-360. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2021.66. PMID: 35048858.
Bruins J, Pijnenborg GHM; PHAMOUS investigators, Visser E, Castelein S. The association of cannabis use with quality of life and psychosocial functioning in
psychosis. Schizophr Res. 2021 Feb;228:229-234. doi:
10.1016/j.schres.2020.11.059. Epub 2021 Jan 15. PMID: 33461022.
Castelein S, Timmerman ME; PHAMOUS investigators, van der Gaag M, Visser E. Clinical, societal and personal recovery in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
across time: states and annual transitions. Br J Psychiatry. 2021 Jul;219(1):401-408. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2021.48. PMID: 35048855; PMCID: PMC8529640.
Link naar YouTube-filmpje over bovenstaand paper:
Leendertse JCP, Wierdsma AI, van den Berg D, Ruissen AM, Slade M, Castelein, S, Mulder CL. Personal Recovery in People With a Psychotic Disorder: A
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Associated Factors. Front Psychiatry.
2021 Feb 23;12:622628. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.622628. PMID: 33708145; PMCID: PMC7940758.
Van der Stouwe ECD, Steenhuis LA, Pijnenborg GHM, de Vries B; Pharmacotherapyand outcome survey (PHAMOUS)-investigators, Bartels-Velthuis AA, Castelein S,
Veling W, Visser E, van Busschbach JT. Gender differences in characteristics of violent and sexual victimization in patients with psychosis: a cross-sectional
study. BMC Psychiatry. 2021 Nov 1;21(1):541. doi: 10.1186/s12888-021-03558-8.
PMID: 34724909; PMCID: PMC8559367.
Vogel JS, Bruins J, de Jong S, Knegtering H, Bartels-Velthuis AA; PHAMOUS. Investigators, Bruggeman R, Jörg F, Pijnenborg MGHM, Veling W, Visser E, van der
Gaag M, Castelein S. Satisfaction with social connectedness as a predictor for positive and negative symptoms of psychosis: A PHAMOUS study. Schizophr Res.
2021 Dec;238:121-127. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2021.10.004. Epub 2021 Oct 13. PMID:
De Jong S, Hasson-Ohayon I, Lavi-Rotenberg A, Carter SA, Castelein S, Lysaker PH. Longitudinal assessments of therapeutic alliance predict work
performance in vocational rehabilitation for persons with schizophrenia. Psychol Psychother. 2021 Dec;94(4):915-928. doi: 10.1111/papt.12346. Epub 2021 Apr 26.
PMID: 33904233.
Tjaden C, Mulder CL, den Hollander W, Castelein S, Delespaul P, Keet R, van Weeghel J, Kroon H. Effectiveness of Resource Groups for Improving Empowerment,
Quality of Life, and Functioning of People With Severe Mental Illness: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry. 2021 Dec 1;78(12):1309-1318. doi:
10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.2880. PMID: 34643679; PMCID: PMC8515257.
Adamczyk P, Płonka O, Kruk D, Jáni M, Błądziński P, Kalisz A, Castelein S,Cechnicki A, Wyczesany M. On the relation of white matter brain abnormalities
and the asociality symptoms in schizophrenia outpatients – a DTI study. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars). 2021;81(1):80-95. doi: 10.21307/ane-2021-009. PMID:
Roebroek L, Bruins J, Roe D, Delespaul P, PHAMOUS investigators, de Jong S, Boonstra A, Visser E, Castelein S. Care needs and care consumption in psychosis: a 4-year longitudinal analysis of guideline concordant care. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2021, 30, e73, 1–8.
Herniman, S. E., Cotton, S. M., Allott, K. A., Phillips, L. J., Wood, S. J., & PROGR-S Investigators* (*Liemburg, E., Castelein, S., Veling, W., Bruggeman, R., Knegtering, H.). The psychometric validity of the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) in recent onset schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Schizophr Res. 2021, 228, 373–381.
Papers nationaal
Castelein S, Bruins J, van Balkom IDC. Impact van COVID-19 op patiënten van ambulante FACT- en autismeteams [Impact of COVID-19 on patients from FACT
or autism teams]. Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2021;63(4):250-256. Dutch. PMID: 33913138.
Link: Impact van COVID-19 op patiënten van ambulante FACT- en autismeteams – Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie
Veling W, Sizoo B, van Buuren J, van den Berg C, Sewbalak W, Pijnenborg GHM, Boonstra N, Castelein S, van der Meer L. Zijn complotdenkers psychotisch? Een
vergelijking tussen complottheorieën en paranoïde wanen [Are conspiracy theorists psychotic? A comparison between conspiracy theories and paranoid
delusions]. Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2021;63(11):775-781. Dutch. PMID: 34851516. Link: Zijn complotdenkers psychotisch? Een vergelijking tussen complottheorieën en paranoïde wanen – Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie
Boek: hoofdstuk
De Jong S, Hoenders HJR, Bruins J, Steinebach JthM, Castelein S. (2021) Hoofdstuk 19: De behandelrelatie in Kaasenbrood A, Wunderink L, Ernstige psychiatrische aandoeningen (pag. 297-318). 2021. Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum.
Link: De behandelrelatie | SpringerLink
Slofstra C, Bruins J, Wijma E & Castelein S. (2021). Resourcegroepen in verschillende praktijksettings. 13.5: Ggz en sociaal domein: pilot Samen voor Herstel. In E. Leeman, C. Tjaden, F. Bovenberg, N. Mulder & G. Kienhorst (Reds.), Praktijkboek resourcegroepen. Herstellen doe je samen (pag. 243-247). Amsterdam, Nederland: Boom|De Tijdstroom.
Link: praktijkboek-resourcegroepen-inkijkexemplaar_boom-psychiatrie.pdf (
Bos, F. M., Schreuder, M., George, S. V., Doornbos, B., Bruggeman, R., van der Krieke, L., Haarman, B.C.M., Wichers, M., & Snippe, E. (2021). Anticipating manic and depressive transitions in patients with bipolar disorder using early warning signals. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 10(1), 1-14. , [volledig onderzoek]
Bos, F. M., von Klipstein, L., Emerencia, A. C., Veermans, E., Verhage, T., Snippe, E., Doornbos, B., Hadders-Prins, G., Wichers, M., Riese, H. (2022). PErsonalized Treatment by Real-time Assessment (PETRA): User-centered development of a web-application for personalized diaries in psychiatric care. JMIR Mental Health. [volledig onderzoek]
Wichers, M., Riese, H., Hodges, T. M., Snippe, E., & Bos, F.M. (2021). A narrative review of network studies in depression: What different methodological approaches tell us about depression. Frontiers in psychiatry, 1865. [volledig onderzoek]
Lisette van der Meer, Stefan Kaiser, Stynke Castelein. Negative symptoms in schizophrenia: reconsidering evidence and focus in clinical trials. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 19 May 2021 [Volledige tekst]
Stynke Castelein, Marieke E. Timmerman, Mark van der Gaag, Ellen Visser, PHAMOUS investigators. Clinical, societal and personal recovery in schizophrenia spectrum disorders across time: states and annual transitions. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 07 May 2021 [Volledige tekst]
Bruins, Jojanneke & Pijnenborg, Gerdina & Wunderink, Lex & Visser, Ellen & Castelein, Stynke & Bartels-Velthuis, A. & Jörg, Frederike & Knegtering, Rikus & Veling, Wim. (2021). The association of cannabis use with quality of life and psychosocial functioning in psychosis. Schizophrenia Research. 228. 229-234. [Volledige tekst]
Marij Zuidersma, Astrid Lugtenburg, Willeke van Zelst, Fransje Reesink, Peter Paul De Deyn, Fijanne Strijkert, Sytse U Zuidema, Richard Oude Voshaar. Temporal dynamics of depression, cognitive performance and sleep in older persons with depressive symptoms and cognitive impairments: a series of eight single-subject studies. International Psychogeriatrics, in press. [Volledige tekst]
Berg KS van den, Hegeman JM, Brink RHS van den, Rhebergen D, Oude Voshaar RC, Marijnissen RM. A prospective study into change of vitamin D levels, depression and frailty among depressed patients. Early view. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2021:1-8. [Volledige tekst]
Oude Voshaar RC, Jeuring HW, Borges MK, van den Brink RHS, Marijnissen RM, Hoogendijk EO, van Münster B, Aprahamian I. Course of frailty stratified by physical and mental multimorbidity patterns: a five-year follow-up of 92,640 participants of the LifeLines cohort study. BMC Medicine 2021; 19:1-10. [Volledige tekst]
Berg KS van den, Wiersema C, Hegeman JM, Brink RHS van den, Rhebergen D, Marijnissen RM, Oude Voshaar RC. Clinical characteristics of late-life depression predicting mortality. Aging & Mental Health 2021; 25:476-83. [Volledige tekst]
Publicaties 2020
Smit DJA, Cath D, Zilhão NR, Ip HF, Denys D, den Braber A, de Geus EJC, Verweij KJH, Hottenga JJ, Boomsma DI: Genetic meta-analysis of obsessive-compulsive disorder and self-report compulsive symptoms.. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2020 Jun;183(4):208-216. [Volledige tekst]
Van Passel B, Danner UN, Dingemans AE, Aarts E, Sternheim LC, Becker ES, van Elburg AA, van Furth EF, Hendriks GJ, Cath DC. Cognitive Remediation Therapy Does Not Enhance Treatment Effect in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Anorexia Nervosa: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychother Psychosom. 2020;89(4):228-241. [Volledige tekst]
Heijerman-Holtgrefe AP, Verdellen CWJ, van de Griendt JMTM, Beljaars LPL, Kan KJ, Cath D, Hoekstra PJ, Huyser C, Utens EMWJ. Tackle your Tics: pilot findings of a brief, intensive group-based exposure therapy program for children with tic disorders. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 May 20. [Volledige tekst]
Fontenelle LF, Oldenhof E, Eduarda Moreira-de-Oliveira M, Abramowitz JS, Antony MM, Cath D, Carter A, Dougherty D, Ferrão YA, Figee M, Harrison BJ, Hoexter M, Soo Kwon J, Küelz A, Lazaro L, Lochner C, Marazziti D, Mataix-Cols D, McKay D, Miguel EC, Morein-Zamir S, Moritz S, Nestadt G, O’Connor K, Pallanti S, Purdon C, Rauch S, Richter P, Rotge JY, Shavitt RG, Soriano-Mas C, Starcevic V, Stein DJ, Steketee G, Storch EA, Taylor S, van den Heuvel OA, Veale D, Woods DW, Verdejo-Garcia A, Yücel M.A.: A transdiagnostic perspective of constructs underlying obsessive-compulsive and related disorders: An international Delphi consensus study. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2020 Jul;54(7):719-731. [Volledige tekst]
Quadackers DMC, Doornbos B, Cath DC: Visual hallucinations, misidentification and reduplication of time: a sense of distorted reality due to a cerebral metastasis. Tijdschr Psychiatrie.;62(12):1073-1079. [Volledige tekst]
Ybe Meesters, Jitske J Sijbrandij, Ellen Visser, Edwin de Beurs. Sensitivity to change of the Beck Depression Inventory versus the Inventory of Depressive Symptoms
J Affect Disord 2021 Feb 15; 281: 338-341 [Volledige tekst]. Epub 2020 Dec 9
Mayle SA, Klerk-Sluis JM, Lin A, Yung AR, Wardenaar KJ, Broekman S, Pluim H, Wigman JTW (2020). Validation of the Dutch version of the multidimensional adolescent functioning scale (MAFS). Health and Quality of Life Outcomes DOI [Volledige tekst]
Schreuder MJ, Hartman CA, George SV, Menne-Lothmann C, Decoster J, van Winkel R, Delespaul P, de Hert M, Derom C, Thiery E, Rutten BPF, Jacobs N, van Os J, Wigman JTW, Wichers M (2020). Early warning signals in psychopathology: what do they tell? BMC Medicine DOI [Volledige tekst]
Groen RN, Ryan O, Wigman JTW, Riese H, Penninx BWJH, Giltay EJ, Hartman CA, Wichers M, (2020). Comorbidity between depression and anxiety: assessing the role of bridge mental states in dynamic psychological networks. BMC Medicine DOI [Volledige tekst]
Schreuder MJ, Groen RN, Wigman JTW, Hartman CA, Wichers M (2020). Measuring psychopathology as it unfolds in daily life: addressing key assumptions of intensive longitudinal methods in the TRAILS TRANS-ID study. BMC Psychiatry DOI [Volledige tekst]
Kuranova A, Booij SH, de Jonge P, Jeronimus B, Lin A, Wardenaar KJ, Wichers M, Wigman JTW (2020). Don’t worry, be happy: Protective factors to buffer against distress associated with psychotic experiences. Schizophrenia Research. DOI [Volledige tekst]
Schreuder M, Wichers M, Hartman C, Wigman JTW (2020). Lower emotional complexity as a prospective predictor of psychopathology in adolescents from the general population. Emotion. DOI [Volledige tekst]
Chavez-Baldini U, Wichers M, Reininghaus U, Wigman JTW, Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis (GROUP) Investigators (2020). Expressive suppression in psychosis: The influence of social context. PLOS One, 15, 3, p.0230102. DOI [Volledige tekst]
Booij SH, Wigman JTW, Jacobs N, Thiery E, Derom C, Wichers M, Oravec Z (2020). Cortisol dynamics in depression: application of a continuous-time process model. Psychoneuroendocrinology 115, p.104598. DOI [Volledige tekst]
Wigman JTW, Pijnenborg GHM, Bruggeman R, Vos M, Wessels A, Oosterholt I, Nauta M, Stelwagen R, Otto L, Wester A, Wunderink L, Sportel E, Boonstra N (2020). Onset and transition of and recovery from adverse development: Study methodology. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. DOI [Volledige tekst]
Kuranova A, Booij SH, Menne-Lothmann C, Decoster J, van Winkel R, Delespaul P, De Hert M, Derom C, Thiery E, Rutten BPF, Jacobs N, van Os J, Wigman JTW, Wichers M (2020). Measuring resilience prospectively as the speed of affect recovery in daily life: a complex systems perspective on mental health. BMC Medicine, 18:36 DOI [Volledige tekst]
Ballering, AV, Wardenaar, KJ, olde Hartman, TC, Rosmalen, JGM (2020). Female sex and femininity independently associate with common somatic symptom trajectories. Psychological Medicine. Epub ahead of print. DOI [Volledige tekst]
Kuzminskaite, E, Vinkers, CH, Elzinga, BM, Wardenaar, KJ, Giltay, EJ, Penninx, BWJH. (2020). Childhood Trauma and Dysregulation of Multiple Biological Stress Systems in Adulthood: Results from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety. Psychoneuroendocrinology 121, 104835. DOI [Volledige tekst]
Beijers, L, van Loo, H, Romeijn, JW, Schoevers, RA, Wardenaar, KJ. (2020). Investigating Data-driven Biological Subtypes of Psychiatric Disorders Using Specification-Curve Analysis. Psychological Medicine. epub aheaad of print. DOI [Volledige tekst]
Yin, H, Wardenaar, KJ, Xu, G, Tian, H, Schoevers, RA (2020). Mental health stigma and mental health knowledge in Chinese population: a cross-sectional study. BMC Psychiatry 20(1):323. DOI [Volledige tekst]
Yin, H, Wardenaar, KJ, Wang, Y, Wang N, Chen, W, Zhang, Y, Xu, G, Schoevers, RA (2020). The Use and Characteristics of the most downloaded Mobile Mental Health Apps in China: a Systematic App Store Search. Journal of Medical Internet Research 22:7. DOI [Volledige tekst]
Monden, R, Rosmalen, JGM, Wardenaar, KJ, Creed, F. (2020) Predictors of new onsets of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia: The Lifelines study. Psychological Medicine. epub ahead of print. DOI [Volledige tekst]
Sluiter-Oerlemans, AM, Wardenaar, KJ, Raven, D, Harman, CA, Ormel, J. (2020) The influence of developmental trajectories of adolescent mental health on early-adult functioning. PLoS One 15(6):e0233648. DOI [Volledige tekst]
Pollak, T. A., Lennox, B. R., Müller, S., Benros, M. E., Prüss, H., Tebartz van Elst, L., Klein, H., Steiner, J., Frodl, T., Bogerts, B., Tian, L., Groc, L., Hasan, A., Baune, B. T., Endres, D., Haroon, E., Yolken, R., Benedetti, F., Halaris, A., … Bechter, K. (2020). Autoimmune psychosis: an international consensus on an approach to the diagnosis and management of psychosis of suspected autoimmune origin. The Lancet Psychiatry, 7(1), 93–108. [Volledige tekst]
Habtewold TD, Rodijk LH, Liemburg EJ, Sidorenkov G, Boezen HM, Bruggeman R, Alizadeh BZ.
Transl Psychiatry. A systematic review and narrative synthesis of data-driven studies in schizophrenia symptoms and cognitive deficits. 2020 Jul 21;10(1):244. [Volledige tekst]. PMID: 32694510 Free PMC article. Review.
Habtewold TD, Liemburg EJ, Islam MA, de Zwarte SMC, Boezen HM; GROUP Investigators, Bruggeman R, Alizadeh BZ. Association of schizophrenia polygenic risk score with data-driven cognitive subtypes: A six-year longitudinal study in patients, siblings and controls. Schizophr Res. 2020 Sep;223:135-147. [Volledige tekst]. Epub 2020 Jul 4. PMID: 32631699 Free article.
Habtewold TD, Islam MA, Liemburg EJ; GROUP Investigators, Bruggeman R, Alizadeh BZ.
J Psychosom Res. Polygenic risk score for schizophrenia was not associated with glycemic level (HbA1c) in patients with non-affective psychosis: Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis (GROUP) cohort study. 2020 May;132:109968. [Volledige tekst]. Epub 2020 Feb 19. PMID: 32169752 Free article.
Chen J, Patil KR, Weis S, Sim K, Nickl-Jockschat T, Zhou J, Aleman A, Sommer IE, Liemburg EJ, Hoffstaedter F, Habel U, Derntl B, Liu X, Fischer JM, Kogler L, Regenbogen C, Diwadkar VA, Stanley JA, Riedl V, Jardri R, Gruber O, Sotiras A, Davatzikos C, Eickhoff SB; Pharmacotherapy Monitoring and Outcome Survey (PHAMOUS) Investigators. Biol Psychiatry. Neurobiological Divergence of the Positive and Negative Schizophrenia Subtypes Identified on a New Factor Structure of Psychopathology Using Non-negative Factorization: An International Machine Learning Study.
2020 Feb 1;87(3):282-293. [Volledige tekst]. Epub 2019 Sep 23. PMID: 31748126
Bartels-Velthuis, A. A., van den Brink, E., Koster, F., & Hoenders, H. J. R. (2020). The Interpersonal Mindfulness Program for Health Care Professionals: a Feasibility Study. Mindfulness, 11(11), 1-10. [Volledige tekst]
Thygesen, J. H., Presman, A., Harju-Seppanen, J., Irizar, H., Jones, R., Kuchenbaecker, K., Lin, K., Alizadeh, B. Z., Austin-Zimmerman, I., Bartels-Velthuis, A., Bhat, A., Bruggeman, R., Cahn, W., Calafato, S., Crespo-Facorro, B., de Haan, L., de Zwarte, S. M. C., Di Forti, M., Diez-Revuelta, A., … Bramon, E. (2020). Genetic copy number variants, cognition and psychosis: a meta-analysis and a family study. Molecular Psychiatry. [Volledige tekst]
Brink, V., van Driel, C., El Bouhaddani, S., Wardenaar, K. J., van Domburgh, L., Schaefer, B., van Beilen, M., Bartels-Velthuis, A. A., & Veling, W. (2020). Correction to: Spontaneous discontinuation of distressing auditory verbal hallucinations in a school-based sample of adolescents: A longitudinal study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 29(6), 897-900. [Volledige tekst]
Brink, V., van Driel, C., El Bouhaddani, S., Wardenaar, K. J., van Domburgh, L., Schaefer, B., van Beilen, M., Bartels-Velthuis, A. A., & Veling, W. (2020). Spontaneous discontinuation of distressing auditory verbal hallucinations in a school-based sample of adolescents: a longitudinal study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 29(6), 777-790. [Volledige tekst]
PROGR-S Investigators, Liemburg, E. J., Enriquez-Geppert, S., Wardenaar, K. J., Bruggeman, R., & Aleman, A. (2020). Expressive de ficits and amotivation as mediators of the associations between cognitive problems and functional outcomes: Results from two independent cohorts. Schizophrenia Research, 218, 283-291. [Volledige tekst]
Steenhuis, L. A., Pijnenborg, G. H. M., van der Stouwe, E. C. D., Hartman, C. A., Aleman, A., Bartels-Velthuis, A. A., & Nauta, M. H. (2020). The Longitudinal Association Between Preadolescent Facial Emotion Identification and Family Factors, and Psychotic Experiences in Adolescence (The TRAILS Study). Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 51(2), 187-199. [Volledige tekst]
GROUP Investigators, Kwakernaak, S., van Mens, K., Cahn, W., & Janssen, R. (2020). Using machine learning to predict mental healthcare consumption in non -affective psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 218, 166-172. [Volledige tekst]
Clemmensen, L., Jepsen, J. R. M., van Os, J., Blijd-Hoogewys, E. M. A., Rimvall, M. K., Olsen, E. M., Rask, C. U., Bartels-Velthuis, A. A., Skovgaard, A. M., & Jeppesen, P. (2020). Are theory of mind and bullying separately associated with later academic performance among preadolescents? British journal of educational psychology, 90(1), 62-76. [Volledige tekst]
Vollbehr, N. K., Hoenders, H. J. R., Bartels-Velthuis, A. A., Nauta, M. H., Castelein, S., Schroevers, M. J., Stant, A. D., de Jong, P. J., & Ostafin, B. D. (2020). A mindful yoga intervention for young women with major depressive disorder: Design and baseline sample characteristics of a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, (2), [1820]. [Volledig tekst]
GROUP Investigators, WGSPD Consortium, Mansolf, M., Vreeker, A., Reise, S. P., Freimer, N. B., Glahn, D. C., Gur, R. E., Moore, T. M., Pato, C. N., Pato, M. T., Palotie, A., Holm, M., Suvisaari, J., Partonen, T., Kieseppa, T., Paunio, T., Boks, M., Kahn, R., … DeGeorge, D. (2020). Extensions of Multiple-Group Item Response Theory Alignment: Application to Psychiatric Phenotypes in an International Genomics Consortium. Educational and Psychological Measurement, (5), 870-909. [0013164419897307]. [Volledige tekst]
GROUP Investigators, Faay, M. D. M., & van Os, J. (2020). Aggressive Behavior, Hostility, and Associated Care Needs in Patients With Psychotic Disorders: A 6-Year Follow-Up Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, [934]. [Volledige tekst]
GROUP Investigators, Renkema, T. C., de Haan, L., Schirmbeck, F., Alizadeh, B. Z., van Amelsvoort, T., Bartels-Velthuis, A. A., van Beveren, N. J., Bruggeman, R., Cahn, W., de Haan, L., Delespaul, P., Luykx, J. J., Myin-Germeys, I., Kahn, R. S., Schirmbeck, F., Simons, C. J. P., van Os, J., & van Winkel, R. (2020). Childhood trauma and coping in patients with psychotic disorders and obsessive-compulsive symptoms and in un-affected siblings. Child Abuse & Neglect, 99, [104243]. [Volledige tekst]
Jaya, E. S., Wüsten, C., Alizadeh, B. Z., van Amelsvoort, T., Bartels-Velthuis, A. A., van Beveren, N. J., Bruggeman, R., Cahn, W., de Haan, L., Delespaul, P., Luykx, J. J., Myin-Germeys, I., Kahn, R. S., Schirmbeck, F., Simons, C. J. P., van Haren, N. E., van Os, J., van Winkel, R., Fonseca-Pedrero, E., … Lincoln, T. M. (2020). Comparing psychotic experiences in low-and-middle-income-countries and high-income-countries with a focus on measurement invariance. Psychological Medicine, 1-8. [Volledige tekst]
Hasson-Ohayon, I., Scholte-Stalenhoef, A. N., Schirmbeck, F, de Haan, L., Cahn, W., Pijnenborg, G. H. M., Boyette, L. L., van Amelsvoort, T., Bartels-Velthuis, A. A., Bruggeman, R., Simons, C. J. P., van Os, J. (2020). Insight, personality, and symptoms among individuals with psychosis: Cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships. Schizophrenia Research, 222, 243-250. [Volledige tekst]
Pazoki, R., Lin, B. D., van Eijk, K. R., Schijven, D., de Zwarte, S., Guloksuz, S., Luykx, J. J., GROUP Investigators (2020). Phenome-wide and genome-wide analyses of quality of life in schizophrenia.
BJPsych Open, 7(1):e13. [Volledige tekst]
Berg KS van den, Arts M, Collard RM, Brink RHS van den, Comijs HC, Marijnissen RM, Oude Voshaar RC. Vitamin D deficiency and course of frailty in a depressed older population. Aging & Mental Health 2020; 24: 49-55. [Volledige tekst]
Molde H, Nordhus I, Torsheim T, Engedal K, Bakkane Bendixen A, Byrne GJ, Marquez-González M, Losada A, Feng L, Ow Kuan Tai E, Pisitsungkagarn K, Taephant N, Jarukasemthawee S, Champagne A, Landreville P, Gosslin P, Ribeiro O, Diefenbach GJ, Blank K, Beaudreau SA, Larks J, Bom de Araújo N, Fonseca RP, Kochhann R, Camozzato A, Van den Brink RHS, Oude Voshaar RC, Fluiter M, Naarding P, Pelzers LPRM, Lugtenburg A, Pachana NA. A cross-national analysis of the psychometric properties of the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI). J Gerontol: Psychol Sc 2020; 75: 1475-93. [Volledige tekst]
Kranenburg GD van, Diekman WJ, Mulder WG, Pijnenborg GHM, Brink RHS van den, Mulder CL. Histories of Social Functioning and Mental Healthcare in Severely Dysfunctional Dual-Diagnosis Psychiatric Patients. Int J Mental Health & Addiction 2020; 18: 904-16. [Volledige tekst]
Bos, F. M., Snippe, E., Bruggeman, R., Doornbos, B., Wichers, M., & van der Krieke, L. (2020). Recommendations for the use of long-term experience sampling in bipolar disorder care: A qualitative study of patient and clinician experiences. International journal of bipolar disorders, 8(1), 1-14. [Volledige tekst]
Kan K, Jörg F, Buskens E, Schoevers RA, Alma MA. Patients’ and clinicians’ perspectives on relevant treatment outcomes in depression: qualitative study. BJPsych Open. 2020 May 4;6(3):e44. [Volledige tekst]. PMID: 32364101; PMCID: PMC7331080.
Kan K, Feenstra TL, de Vries SO, Visser E, Schoevers RA, Jörg F. The clinical effectiveness of an algorithm-guided treatment program for depression in specialized mental healthcare: A comparison with efficacy trials. J Affect Disord. 2020 Oct 1;275:216-223. [Volledige tekst]. Epub 2020 Jul 9. PMID: 32734911.
Nina K Vollbehr, H J Rogier Hoenders, Agna A Bartels-Velthuis, Maaike H Nauta, Stynke Castelein, Maya J Schroevers, A Dennis Stant, Peter J de Jong, Brian D Ostafin. A mindful yoga intervention for young women with major depressive disorder: Design and baseline sample characteristics of a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of methods in Psychiatric Research, 2020 Jun; 29(2): e1820., [Volledige tekst].
Jelle Sjoerd Vogel, Jojanneke Bruins, Levi Halbersma, Rianne Janine Lieben, Steven de Jong, Mark van der Gaag, Stynke Castelein. Measuring personal recovery in people with a psychotic disorder based on CHIME: A comparison of three validated measures. International Journal of Health Nursing, March 2020, [Volledige tekst].
Annemarie P M Stiekema, Michelle T van Dam, Richard Bruggeman, Jeroen E Redmeijer, Marte Swart, Marian Dethmers, Kees Rietberg, Ellie M Wekking, Dawn I Velligan, Marieke E Timmerman, André Aleman, Stynke Castelein, Jaap van Weeghel, Gerdina M H Pijnenborg, Lisette van der Meer. Facilitating Recovery of Daily Functioning in People With a Severe Mental Illness Who Need Longer-Term Intensive Psychiatric Services: Results From a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial on Cognitive Adaptation Training Delivered by Nurses. Schizophrenia Bulletin, March 2020, [Volledige tekst].
Kokkeler KJE, Marijnissen RM, Wardenaar KJ, Rhebergen D, Van den Brink RHS, Van der Mast R, Oude Voshaar RC. Subtyping late-life depression according to inflammatory and metabolic dysregulation: a prospective study. [Volledige tekst].
Burger TJ, Schirmbeck F, Vermeulen JM, Quee PJ, de Koning MB, Bruggeman R, de Haan L, van Amelsvoort T, Bartels-Velthuis AA, Bruggeman R, Cahn W, de Haan L, Schirmbeck F, Simons CJP, van Os J. Association between cognitive phenotype in unaffected siblings and prospective 3- and 6-year clinical outcome in their proband affected by psychosis. Psychol Med. 2020 Apr 15:1-11. [Volledige tekst].
Juurlink TT, Lamers F, van Marle HJF, Michon H, van Busschbach JT, Beekman ATF, Anema JR.J Occup Rehabil. Employment in Personality Disorders and the Effectiveness of Individual Placement and Support: Outcomes from a Secondary Data Analysis. 2020 Jun;30(2):255-262. [Volledige tekst].
Lorente-Rovira E, Grasa E, Ochoa S, Corripio I, Peláez T, López-Carrilero R, Gutiérrez-Gea Á, Morano-Guillén M, Villagrán JM, Bartels-Velthuis AA, Jenner JA, Sanjuán J.Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment. Different measures for auditory hallucinations in populations with psychosis. The Validation of the Spanish versions of the Auditory Vocal Hallucination Rating Scale (AVHRS) and the Positive and Useful Voices Inquiry (PUVI). 2020 May 31:S1888-9891(20)30027-6. [Volledige tekst].
Liemburg EJ, Enriquez-Geppert S, Wardenaar KJ, Bruggeman R, Aleman A; PROGR-S investigators; GROUP investigators. Expressive deficits and amotivation as mediators of the associations between cognitive problems and functional outcomes: Results from two independent cohorts. Schizophr Res. 2020 Apr;218:283-291. [Volledige tekst].
Publicaties 2019
Arts MHL, Benraad CEM, Hanssen D, Hilderink P, Jonge de L, Naarding P, Lucassen P, Oude Voshaar RC. (2019). Frailty and Somatic Comorbidity in Older Patients With Medically Unexplained Symptoms. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 20: 1150-1155. [Volledige tekst]
Bebber van J, Wigman JTW, Meijer RR, Terluin B, Sytema S, Wunderink L. (2019). Searching for the optimal number of response alternatives for the distress scale of the four-dimensional symptom questionnaire. BMC psychiatry, 19: 103. [Volledige tekst]
Bellemans T, Didden R, Busschbach van JT, Hoek PTAP, Scheffers MWJ, Lang RB, Lindsay WR. (2019). Psychomotor therapy targeting anger and aggressive behaviour in individuals with mild or borderline intellectual disabilities: a systematic review. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 44: 121-130. [Volledige tekst]
Blijd-Hoogewys E, Haan de E, Griendt van de J, Cath D (2019). Hoofdstuk 13: Behandeling van comorbiditeit. In: Verdellen C, Wertenbroek A, Cath D (eds). Handboek Gilles de la Tourette. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam, 239-262[Inhoudsopgave]
Boerhout C, Busschbach van JT, Voskamp M, Troquete NAC, Swart M, Hoek HW. (2019). Aggression regulation in eating disorders: evidence for a brief body and movement oriented intervention. Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie, 61: 572-581. [Volledige tekst]
Bos FM, Snippe E, Bruggeman R, Wichers M, Krieke van der L. (2019). Insights of Patients and Clinicians on the Promise of the Experience Sampling Method for Psychiatric Care. Psychiatric services, appips201900050. [Volledige tekst]
Braam AW, Hoenders HJR, Steen A. (2019). Zingeving als term in psychische hulpverlening: benaderingen vanuit de humanistiek. Psyche en Geloof, 30: 267-276.
Bringmann LF, Elmer T, Epskamp S, Krause RW, Schoch D, Wichers M, Wigman JTW, Snippe E. (2019). What do centrality measures measure in psychological networks? Journal of abnormal psychology, 128: 892-903. [Volledige tekst]
Castelein S, Knegtering R (2019). Hoofdstuk 24. Suïcide bij psychotische aandoeningen. In: Heeringen van K, Portzy G, Beurs de D, Kerkhof A (eds). Handboek Suïcidaal Gedrag. De Tijdstroom, 343-350
Cath D, Blijd-Hoogewys EM, Griendt J (2019). Hoofdstuk 3: Comorbiditeit. In: Verdellen C, Wertenbroek A, Cath D (eds). Handboek Gilles de la Tourette. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam, 56-73[Inhoudsopgave]
Cath D, Wit de S (2019). Hoofdstuk 14: Obsessieve-compulsieve stoornissen. In: Amelsvoort van T, Bekker M, Mens-Verhulst van J, Olff M (eds). Handboek psychopathologie bij vrouwen en mannen. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam, 187-197 [Inhoudsopgave]
Cath D, Zilhao N (2019). Hoofdstuk 4: Erfelijkheid van GTS. In: Verdellen C, Wertenbroek A, Cath D (eds). Handboek Gilles de la Tourette. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam, 74-86[Inhoudsopgave]
Cath DC, Zilhao N, Smit D, Boomsma DI (2019). Family and twin studies of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders. In: Fontenelle L,Yucel M (eds). A Transdiagnostic Approach to Obsessions, Compulsions and Related Phenomena. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19-28[Volledige tekst]
Chrispijn M, Mulder H. (2019). Monitoring van bijwerkingen bij gebruik van stemmingsstabilisatoren. Psyfar, 4: 9-16.
Dekker IP, Marijnissen RM, Giltay EJ, Mast van der RC, Oude Voshaar RC, Rhebergen D, Rius Ottenheim N. (2019). The role of metabolic syndrome in late-life depression over 6 years: The NESDO study. Journal of affective disorders, 257: 735-740. [Volledige tekst]
Dijk van SDM, Veenstra MS, Bouman R, Peekel J, Veenstra DH, Dalen van PJ, Asselt van ADI, Boshuisen ML, Alphen van SPJ, Brink van den RHS, Oude Voshaar RC. (2019). Group schema-focused therapy enriched with psychomotor therapy versus treatment as usual for older adults with cluster B and/or C personality disorders: a randomized trial. BMC psychiatry, 19: 26. [Volledige tekst]
Dimitriadis M, Brink van den RHS, Comijs HC, Oude Voshaar RC. (2019). Prognostic effect of serum BDNF levels in late-life depression: Moderated by childhood trauma and SSRI usage? Psychoneuroendocrinology, 103: 276-283. [Volledige tekst]
Dinga R, Schmaal L, Penninx BWJH, Tol van MJ, Veltman DJ, Velzen van L, Mennes M, Wee van der NJA, Marquand AF. (2019). Evaluating the evidence for biotypes of depression: Methodological replication and extension of. NeuroImage.Clinical, 22: 101796. [Volledige tekst]
Donkersgoed van RJM, Jong de S, Rot aan het M, Wunderink L, Lysaker PH, Hasson-Ohayon I, Aleman A, Pijnenborg GHM. (2019). Measuring empathy in schizophrenia: The Empathic Accuracy Task and its correlation with other empathy measures. Schizophrenia research, 208: 153-159. [Volledige tekst]
Dreissen YEM, Dijk JM, Gelauff JM, Zoons E, Poppelen van D, Contarino MF, Zutt R, Post B, Munts AG, Speelman JD, Cath DC, Haan de RJ, Koelman JH, Tijssen MAJ. (2019). Botulinum neurotoxin treatment in jerky and tremulous functional movement disorders: a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial with an open-label extension. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 90: 1244-1250. [Volledige tekst]
Duin van D, Winter de L, Oud M, Kroon H, Veling W, Weeghel van J. (2019). The effect of rehabilitation combined with cognitive remediation on functioning in persons with severe mental illness: systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological medicine, 49: 1414-1425. [Volledige tekst]
Ende van der PC. (2019). Hulp die wél helpt voor ouders met psychische problemen. Ouderschapskennis,
Fineberg NA, Dell’Osso B, Albert U, Maina G, Geller D, Carmi L, Sireau N, Walitza S, Grassi G, Pallanti S, Hollander E, Brakoulias V, Menchon JM, Marazziti D, Ioannidis K, Apergis-Schoute A, Stein DJ, Cath DC, Veltman DJ, Ameringen van M, Fontenelle LF, Shavitt RG, Costa D, Diniz JB, Zohar J. (2019). Early intervention for obsessive compulsive disorder: An expert consensus statement. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29: 549-565. [Volledige tekst]
Flier van der FE, Kwee CMB, Cath DC, Batelaan NM, Groenink L, Duits P, Veen van der DC, Balkom van AJLM, Baas JMP. (2019). Cannabidiol enhancement of exposure therapy in treatment refractory patients with phobias: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 19: 69. [Volledige tekst]
Fuermaier ABM, Piersma D, Huntjens RJC, Waard de D, Westermann C, Bossert M, Lange KW, Weisbrod M, Bruggeman R, Aschenbrenner S, Tucha O. (2019). Simulated car driving and its association with cognitive abilities in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research, 204: 171-177. [Volledige tekst]
Geraets CNW, Beilen van M, Dijk van M, Kleijer H, Kohne C, Hoeven van der JH, Groen GJ, Curcic-Blake B, Schoevers RA, Maurits NM, Kortekaas R. (2019). Lack of analgesic effects of transcranial pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation in neuropathic pain patients: A randomized double-blind crossover trial. Neuroscience letters, 699: 212-216. [Volledige tekst]
Geraets CNW, Veling W, Witlox M, Staring ABP, Matthijssen SJMA, Cath D. (2019). Virtual reality-based cognitive behavioural therapy for patients with generalized social anxiety disorder: a pilot study. Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy, 47: 745-750. [Volledige tekst]
Geugies H, Mocking RJT, Figueroa CA, Groot PFC, Marsman JC, Servaas MN, Steele JD, Schene AH, Ruhe HG. (2019). Impaired reward-related learning signals in remitted unmedicated patients with recurrent depression. Brain, 142: 2510-2522. [Volledige tekst]
Geugies H, Opmeer EM, Marsman JBC, Figueroa CA, Tol van MJ, Schmaal L, Wee van der NJA, Aleman A, Penninx BWJH, Veltman DJ, Schoevers RA, Ruhe HG. (2019). Decreased functional connectivity of the insula within the salience network as an indicator for prospective insufficient response to antidepressants. NeuroImage Clinical, 24: 102064. [Volledige tekst]
Griendt van de J, Verdellen C, Cath D (2019). Hoofdstuk 8: Meetinstrumenten. In: Verdellen C, Wertenbroek A, Cath D (eds). Handboek Gilles de la Tourette. Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam, 148-163[Inhoudsopgave]
Groen SPN. (2019). Cultural identity and trauma. Construction of meaning among Afghan and Iraqi refugees under treatment in Dutch mental health care. Universiteit van Amsterdam, [Volledige tekst]
Groen SPN, Richters AJM, Laban CJ, Busschbach van JT, Deville WLJM. (2019). Cultural Identity Confusion and Psychopathology: A Mixed-Methods Study Among Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands. The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 207: 162-170. [Volledige tekst]
Guloksuz S, Pries LK, Delespaul P, Kenis G, Luykx JJ, Lin BD, Richards AL, Akdede B, Binbay T, Altinyazar V, Yalincetin B, Gumus-Akay G, Cihan B, Soygur H, Ulas H, Cankurtaran E, Kaymak SU, Mihaljevic MM, Petrovic SA, Mirjanic T, Bernardo M, Cabrera B, Bobes J, Saiz PA, Garcia-Portilla MP, Sanjuan J, Aguilar EJ, Santos JL, Jimenez-Lopez E, Arrojo M, Carracedo A, Lopez G, Gonzalez-Penas J, Parellada M, Maric NP, Atbasog Lu C, Ucok A, Alptekin K, Saka MC, Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis (GROUP) investigators, Arango C, O’Donovan M, Rutten BPF, Os van J. (2019). Examining the independent and joint effects of molecular genetic liability and environmental exposures in schizophrenia: results from the EUGEI study. World Psychiatry, 18: 173-182. [Volledige tekst]
Haarman BCM, Boer de MK, Gaag van der CM, Burger H, Nolen WA, Schoevers RA. (2019). Aspirin for recurrence prevention in bipolar disorder – promising, yet clinically understudied? Bipolar disorders, 21: 13-15. [Volledige tekst]
Habtewold T, Bruggeman R, Liemburg EJ, Islam MA, Alizadeh BZ. (2019). Type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients with schizophrenia: the effect of (poly)genetic risk score of schizophrenia and type 2 diabetes and antipsychotic medication use. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29: S1335. [Abstract]
Hanssen DJC, Rabeling-Keus IM, Lucassen PLBJ, Naarding P, Brink van den RHS, Comijs HC, Penninx BWJH, Oude Voshaar RC. (2019). Measuring social support in psychiatric patients and controls: Validation and reliability of the shortened Close Persons Questionnaire. Journal of psychiatric research, 116: 118-125. [Volledige tekst]
Heij GJ, Penninx BWHJ, Velzen van LS, Tol van MJ, Wee van der NJA, Veltman DJ, Aghajani M. (2019). White matter architecture in major depression with anxious distress symptoms. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 94: 109664. [Volledige tekst]
Hooijer A, Sizoo BB. (2019). Autisme en suïcidaliteit in de volwassenheid. GGzet Wetenschappelijk, 23: 27-31.
Huckins LM, Dobbyn A, Ruderfer DM, Hoffman G, Wang W, Pardinas AF, Rajagopal VM, Als TD, Nguyen T H, Girdhar K, Boocock J, Roussos P, Fromer M, Kramer R, Domenici E, Gamazon ER, Purcell S, CommonMind Consortium, Schizophrenia Working Group of the PsyUniversity of Copenhagenchiatric Genomics Consortium, iPSYCH-GEMS Schizophrenia Working Group, Demontis D, Borglum AD, Walters JTR, O’Donovan MC, Sullivan P, Owen MJ, Devlin B, Sieberts SK, Cox NJ, Im HK, Sklar P, Stahl EA. (2019). Gene expression imputation across multiple brain regions provides insights into schizophrenia risk. Nature genetics, 51: 659-674. [Volledige tekst]
Huckins LM, Dobbyn A, Ruderfer DM, Hoffman G, Wang W, Pardinas AF, Rajagopal VM, Als TD, T Nguyen H, Girdhar K, Boocock J, Roussos P, Fromer M, Kramer R, Domenici E, Gamazon ER, Purcell S, CommonMind Consortium, Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, iPSYCH-GEMS Schizophrenia Working Group, Demontis D, Borglum AD, Walters JTR, O’Donovan MC, Sullivan P, Owen MJ, Devlin B, Sieberts SK, Cox NJ, Im HK, Sklar P, Stahl EA. (2019). Publisher Correction: Gene expression imputation across multiple brain regions provides insights into schizophrenia risk. Nature genetics, 51: 1068. [Volledige tekst]
Huisman-van Dijk HM, Matthijssen SJMA, Stockmann RTS, Fritz AV, Cath DC. (2019). Effects of comorbidity on Tourette’s tic severity and quality of life. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 140: 390-398. [Volledige tekst]
Invernizzi A, Halbertsma HN, Ackooij van M, Bais L, Boertien J, Renken RJ, Cornelissen FW, Laar van T. (2019). rTMS treatment of visual hallucinations using a connectivity-based targeting method – A case study. Brain stimulation, 12: 1622-1624. [Volledige tekst]
Jong de S, Donkersgoed van RJM, Timmerman ME, Rot aan het M, Wunderink L, Arends J, Gaag van der M, Aleman A, Lysaker PH, Pijnenborg GHM. (2019). Metacognitive reflection and insight therapy (MERIT) for patients with schizophrenia. Psychological medicine, 49: 303-313. [Volledige tekst]
Jong de S, Hasson-Ohayon I, Donkersgoed van RJM, Timmerman ME, Gaag van der M, Aleman A, Pijnenborg GHM, Lysaker PH. (2019). Predicting therapy success from the outset: the moderating effect of insight into the illness on metacognitive psychotherapy outcome among persons with schizophrenia. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 26: 650-660. [Volledige tekst]
Jonker T, Bais L, Wadman H, Huiting M, Jong de J, Luppes A, Setten van E, Meer van der L. (2019). Project ‘Dit Ben Ik’. Een bijzonder proces om mensen te ondersteunen in persoonlijk herstel. Participatie en Herstel, 4: 22-31. [Volledige tekst]
Jorg F, Raven D, Visser E, Oldehinkel T. (2019). Gebruik van gespecialiseerde GGZ door jongeren met en zonder psychiatrische diagnose(s) 1. GGzet Wetenschappelijk, 23: 34-44.
Kleef van RS, Bockting CLH, Valen van E, Aleman A, Marsman JC, Tol van MJ. (2019). Neurocognitive working mechanisms of the prevention of relapse in remitted recurrent depression (NEWPRIDE): protocol of a randomized controlled neuroimaging trial of preventive cognitive therapy. BMC psychiatry, 19: 409. [Volledige tekst]
Knegtering H, Bruggeman R (2019). Farmacotherapie (van psychotische stoornissen). In: Cahn W, Mynin-Germeys I, Bruggeman R, Haan de L (eds). Handboek schozofreniespectrum-stoornissen, tweede druk. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam, 611-633[Inhoudsopgave]
Knegtering H, Bruggeman R (2019). Farmacotherapie in de praktijk. In: Cahn W, Mynin-Germeys I, Bruggeman R, Haan de L (eds). Handboek schizofreniespectrum-stoornissen, tweede druk. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam, 633-657[Inhoudsopgave]
Knegtering H, Nienhuis F (2019). De differentiaal diagnostiek (van psychotische stoornissen). In: Cahn W, Mynin-Germeys I, Bruggeman R, Haan de L (eds). Handboek schizofreniespectrum-stoornissen, tweede druk. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam, 107-127[Inhoudsopgave]
Knegtering R, Castelein S. (2019). Suïcide bij psychotische aandoeningen. GGzet Wetenschappelijk, 23: 21-26.
Knegtering R, Castelein S (2019). Suïcide bij psychotische aandoeningen. In: Heeringen van K, Protzky G, Beurs de D, Kerkhof A (eds). Handboek Suïcidaal gedrag. Tweede, geheel herziene druk. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam, 343-351
Konings S, Bruggeman R, Mierau JO, Feenstra T, Visser E, Schoevers RA. (2019). Personalized healthcare episode identification in schizophrenia spectrum disorder using healthcare consumption trajectories. Value in Health, 22: S689. [Abstract]
Kos C, Knegtering H. (2019). Apathie: een veelvoorkomend, maar weinig herkend probleem. Nurse Academy O&T, 47: 52-57.
Kranenburg van GD, Brink van den RHS, Mulder WG, Diekman WJ, Pijnenborg GHM, Mulder CL. (2019). Clinical effects and treatment outcomes of long-term compulsory in-patient treatment of treatment-resistant patients with severe mental illness and substance-use disorder. BMC psychiatry, 19: 270. [Volledige tekst]
Krieke van der L, Bartels-Velthuis AA, Sytema S, Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis Investigators. (2019). Personal Recovery Among Service Users Compared With Siblings and a Control Group: A Critical Note on Recovery Assessment. Psychiatric services, 70: 1123-1129. [Volledige tekst]
Lamers F, Milaneschi Y, Smit JH, Schoevers RA, Wittenberg G, Penninx BWJH. (2019). Longitudinal Association Between Depression and Inflammatory Markers: Results From the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety. Biological psychiatry, 85: 826-837. [Volledige tekst]
Looijmans A, Jorg F, Bruggeman R, Schoevers RA, Corpeleijn E. (2019). Multimodal lifestyle intervention using a web-based tool to improve cardiometabolic health in patients with serious mental illness: results of a cluster randomized controlled trial (LION). BMC psychiatry, 19: 339-019-2310-5. [Volledige tekst]
Maijer K, Hayward M, Fernyhough C, Calkins ME, Debbane M, Jardri R, Kelleher I, Raballo A, Rammou A, Scott JG, Shinn AK, Steenhuis LA, Wolf DH, Bartels-Velthuis AA. (2019). Hallucinations in Children and Adolescents: An Updated Review and Practical Recommendations for Clinicians. Schizophrenia bulletin, 45: S5-S23. [Volledige tekst]
Maijer K, Steenhuis LA, Lotgering R, Palmen SJMC, Sommer IEC, Bartels-Velthuis AA. (2019). Clinical significance of auditory hallucinations in youth: Comparison between a general population and a help-seeking sample. Schizophrenia research, 204: 460-461. [Volledige tekst]
Malda A, Boonstra N, Barf H, Jong de S, Aleman A, Addington J, Pruessner M, Nieman D, Haan de L, Morrison A, Riecher-Rossler A, Studerus E, Ruhrmann S, Schultze-Lutter F, An SK, Koike S, Kasai K, Nelson B, McGorry P, Wood S, Lin A, Yung AY, Kotlicka-Antczak M, Armando M, Vicari S, Katsura M, Matsumoto K, Durston S, Ziermans T, Wunderink L, Ising H, Gaag van der M, Fusar-Poli P, Pijnenborg GHM. (2019). Individualized Prediction of Transition to Psychosis in 1,676 Individuals at Clinical High Risk: Development and Validation of a Multivariable Prediction Model Based on Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10: 345. [Volledige tekst]
Mansueto G, Schruers K, Cosci F, Os van J, GROUP Investigators. (2019). Childhood adversities and psychotic symptoms: The potential mediating or moderating role of neurocognition and social cognition. Schizophrenia research, 206: 183-189. [Volledige tekst]
Meer van der L, Wunderink C. (2019). Contemporary approaches in mental health rehabilitation. Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences, 28: 9-14. [Volledige tekst]
Moeijes J, Busschbach van JT, Bosscher RJ, Twisk JWR. (2019). Sports participation and health-related quality of life: a longitudinal observational study in children. Quality of Life Research, 28: 2453-2469. [Volledige tekst]
Moeijes J, Busschbach van JT, Lockhart KL, Bosscher RJ, Twisk JWR. (2019). Characteristics of sports participation and psychosocial health in children: Results of a cross-sectional study. European journal of sport science, 19: 365-374. [Volledige tekst]
Moeijes J, Busschbach van JT, Wieringa TH, Kone J, Bosscher RJ, Twisk JWR. (2019). Sports participation and health-related quality of life in children: results of a cross-sectional study. Health and quality of life outcomes, 17: 64. [Volledige tekst]
Moolen van der A, Knegtering R. (2019). Psycho-educatie. GGzet Wetenschappelijk, 23: 60-75.
Moolen van der AEGM, Slooff C, Bruggeman R, Knegtering H (2019). Psycho-educatie. In: Cahn W, Mynin-Germeys IB,R., Haan de L (eds). Handboek schizofreniespectrum-stoornissen, tweede druk. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam, 679-799[Inhoudsopgave]
Mulder PA, Huisman S, Landlust AM, Moss J, SMC1A Consortium, Piening S, Hennekam RC, Balkom van IDC. (2019). Development, behaviour and autism in individuals with SMC1A variants. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 60: 305-313. [Volledige tekst]
Nienhuis F, Knegtering H (2019). Classificatie van psychotische stoornissen. In: Cahn W, Mynin-Germeys I, Bruggeman R, Haan de L (eds). Handboek schizofreniespectrum-stoornissen, tweede druk. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam, 75-107[Inhoudsopgave]
Nijman SA, Veling W, Greaves-Lord K, Vermeer RR, Vos M, Zandee CER, Zandstra DC, Geraets CNW, Pijnenborg GHM. (2019). Dynamic Interactive Social Cognition Training in Virtual Reality (DiSCoVR) for social cognition and social functioning in people with a psychotic disorder: study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 19: 272. [Volledige tekst]
Ommen van MM, Laar van T, Cornelissen FW, Bruggeman R. (2019). Visual hallucinations in psychosis. Psychiatry research, 280: 112517. [Volledige tekst]
Oude Voshaar RC, Dhondt TDF, Fluiter M, Naarding P, Wassink S, Smeets MMJ, Pelzers LPRM, Lugtenburg A, Veenstra M, Marijnissen RM, Hendriks GJ, Verlinde LA, Schoevers RA, Brink van den RHS. (2019). Study design of the Routine Outcome Monitoring for Geriatric Psychiatry & Science (ROM-GPS) project; a cohort study of older patients with affective disorders referred for specialised geriatric mental health care. BMC psychiatry, 19: 182. [Volledige tekst]
Paetsch A, Os van TWDP, Troquete NAC, Brink van den RHS. (2019). Single-item predictive validity of the Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatabilty (START) for violent behaviour in outpatient forensic psychiatry. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 30: 630-641. [Volledige tekst]
Pijnenborg GHM, Vos de AE, Timmerman ME, Gaag van der M, Sportel BE, Arends J, Koopmans EM, Meer van der L, Aleman A. (2019). Social cognitive group treatment for impaired insight in psychosis: A multicenter randomized controlled trial. Schizophrenia Research, 206: 362-369. [Volledige tekst]
Potijk MR, Drost LM, Havinga PJ, Hartman CA, Schoevers RA. (2019). “…and How Are the Kids?” Psychoeducation for Adult Patients With Depressive and/or Anxiety Disorders: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10: 4. [Volledige tekst]
Pries LK, Lage-Castellanos A, Delespaul P, Kenis G, Luykx JJ, Lin BD, Richards AL, Akdede B, Binbay T, Altinyazar V, Yalincetin B, Gumus-Akay G, Cihan B, Soygur H, Ulas H, Cankurtaran ES, Kaymak SU, Mihaljevic MM, Petrovic SA, Mirjanic T, Bernardo M, Cabrera B, Bobes J, Saiz PA, Garcia-Portilla MP, Sanjuan J, Aguilar EJ, Santos JL, Jimenez-Lopez E, Arrojo M, Carracedo A, Lopez G, Gonzalez-Penas J, Parellada M, Maric NP, Atbasoglu C, Ucok A, Alptekin K, Saka MC, Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis (GROUP) investigators, Arango C, O’Donovan M, Rutten BPF, Os van J, Guloksuz S. (2019). Estimating Exposome Score for Schizophrenia Using Predictive Modeling Approach in Two Independent Samples: The Results From the EUGEI Study. Schizophrenia bulletin, 45: 960-965. [Volledige tekst]
Rees E, Carrera N, Morgan J, Hambridge K, Escott-Price V, Pocklington AJ, Richards AL, Pardinas AF, GROUP Investigators, McDonald C, Donohoe G, Morris DW, Kenny E, Kelleher E, Gill M, Corvin A, Kirov G, Walters JTR, Holmans P, Owen MJ, O’Donovan MC. (2019). Targeted Sequencing of 10,198 Samples Confirms Abnormalities in Neuronal Activity and Implicates Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels in Schizophrenia Pathogenesis. Biological psychiatry, 85: 554-562. [Volledige tekst]
Renkema TC, Haan de L, Schirmbeck F, GROUP Investigators. (2019). Childhood trauma and coping in patients with psychotic disorders and obsessive-compulsive symptoms and in un-affected siblings. Child abuse & neglect, 99: 104243. [Volledige tekst]
Roebroek LO, Bruins J, Knegtering H, Bruggeman R, Delespaul PH, Castelein S. (2019). Decision aid for the treatment of psychotic illness: development of TReatment E-AssisT (TREAT). Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie, 61: 92-96. [Volledige tekst]
Rooijen van G, Rooijen van M, Maat A, Vermeulen JM, Meijer CJ, Ruhe HG, Haan de L, GROUP investigators, Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis investigators:, Alizadeh BZ, Bartels-Velthuis AA, Beveren van NJ, Bruggeman R, Cahn W, Delespaul P, Myin-Germeys I, Kahn RS, Schirmbeck F, Simons CJP, Amelsvoort van T, Haren van NE, Os van J, Winkel van R. (2019). Longitudinal evidence for a relation between depressive symptoms and quality of life in schizophrenia using structural equation modeling. Schizophrenia research, 208: 82-89. [Volledige tekst]
Rozing MP, Veerhuis R, Westendorp RGJ, Eikelenboom P, Stek M, Marijnissen RM, Oude Voshaar RC, Comijs HC, Exel van E. (2019). Inflammation in older subjects with early- and late-onset depression in the NESDO study: a cross-sectional and longitudinal case-only design. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 99: 20-27. [Volledige tekst]
Sanches SA, Swildens WE, Busschbach van JT, Weeghel van J. (2019). Identifying social participation subgroups of individuals with severe mental illnesses: a latent class analysis. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 54: 1067-1077. [Volledige tekst]
Schalbroeck R, Termorshuizen F, Visser E, Amelsvoort van T, Selten JP. (2019). Risk of non-affective psychotic disorder or bipolar disorder in autism spectrum disorder: a longitudinal register-based study in the Netherlands. Psychological medicine, 49: 2543-2550. [Volledige tekst]
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Scheffers M, Duijn van MAJ, Beldman M, Bosscher RJ, Busschbach van JT, Schoevers RA. (2019). Body attitude, body satisfaction and body awareness in a clinical group of depressed patients: An observational study on the associations with depression severity and the influence of treatment. Journal of affective disorders, 242: 22-28. [Volledige tekst]
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Sikkens D, Riemersma-Van der Lek RF, Meesters Y, Schoevers RA, Haarman BCM. (2019). Combined sleep deprivation and light therapy: Clinical treatment outcomes in patients with complex unipolar and bipolar depression. Journal of affective disorders, 246: 727-730. [Volledige tekst]
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Simoons M, Ruhe HG, Roon van EN, Schoevers RA, Bruggeman R, Cath DC, Muis D, Arends J, Doornbos B, Mulder H. (2019). Design and methods of the ‘monitoring outcomes of psychiatric pharmacotherapy’ (MOPHAR) monitoring program – a study protocol. BMC health services research, 19: 125. [Volledige tekst]
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Smith-Apeldoorn SY, Veraart JKE, Kamphuis J, Asselt van ADI, Touw DJ, Rot aan het M, Schoevers RA. (2019). Oral esketamine for treatment-resistant depression: rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 19: 375. [Volledige tekst]
Sommer IE, Schoevers RA. (2019). Strong genetic correlation between mental disorders. Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, 162: D3450. [Volledige tekst]
Spoelstra SK, Baas CAJ, Dijk N, Knegtering H. (2019). Is polyfarmacie met anti-psychotica toch effectiever dan monotherapie bij schizofrenie . Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie, 61: 645-655. [Volledige tekst]
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Stiekema APM, Islam MA, Liemburg EJ, Castelein S, Heuvel van den ER, Weeghel van J, Aleman A, Bruggeman R, Meer van der L, GROUP investigators, Alizadeh BZ, Bartels-Velthuis AA, Beveren van NJ, Bruggeman R, Cahn W, Haan de L, Delespaul P, Meijer CJ, Myin-Germeys I, Kahn RS, Schirmbeck F, Simons CJP, Haren van NEM, Os van J, Winkel van R. (2019). Corrigendum to “Long-term course of negative symptom subdomains and relationship with outcome in patients with a psychotic disorder” [Schizophr. Res. 193 (2018) 173-181]. Schizophrenia research, 204: 462-463. [Volledige tekst]
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Swets M, Dijk van FA, Schirmbeck F, Peen J, Haan de L, Alizadeh BZ, Amelsvoort van T, Bartels-Velthuis AA, Beveren van NJ, Bruggeman R, Cahn W, Delespaul P, Luykx JJ, Myin-Germeys I, Kahn RS, Simons CJP, Haren van NE, Os van J, Winkel van R. (2019). Patterns of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and social functioning in schizophrenia; a replication study. Psychiatry research, 271: 421-427. [Volledige tekst]
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Vries de B, Pijnenborg GHM, Stouwe van der ECD, Visser E, Jong de S, Pharmaco therapy and outcome survey (PHAMOUS)-investigators, Bartels-Velthuis AA, Bruggeman R, Castelein S, Jorg F, Veling W, Aleman A, Busschbach van JT. (2019). “Please tell me what happened”: A descriptive study on prevalence, disclosure and characteristics of victimization in people with a psychotic disorder. PloS one, 14: e0219056. [Volledige tekst]
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